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<aside> 👉 Created by ByteBrief: This document contains 33 development assistants, 22 tools you can use to develop AI applications, 14 no-code/low-code tools to help develop apps, 8 AI/ML communities to join, and 9 AI Twitter accounts to follow for a total of 86 excellent resources.


Development Assistants

| --- | --- | --- | | Github Copilot | Your AI pair programmer. GitHub Copilot uses OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time, right from your editor. | https://github.com/features/copilot | | Tabnine | AI assistant for software developers, Code faster with whole-line & full-function code completions. | https://www.tabnine.com/ | | Hey Github! | Write code without a keyboard (speech to code) | https://githubnext.com/ | | OpenAI Codex | AI system that translates natural language to code. Powers most of these tools | https://openai.com/blog/openai-codex/ | | AICommit | AI-generated Git commit messages | https://github.com/abi/autocommit | | Deep Code (snyk code) | Secure code with a developer-friendly experience. | https://www.deepcode.ai/ | | AI2Sql | With AI2sql, engineers and non-engineers can easily write efficient, error-free SQL queries without knowing SQL. | https://www.ai2sql.io/ | | Replit | Yesterday, coding was slow, repetitive, and hard to learn. Today, all that changes with Replit's in-browser coding AI. | https://replit.com/site/ghostwriter | | HTTPie AI | HTTPie is making APIs simple and intuitive for those building the tools of our time. | https://httpie.io/ | | Mutable | Another AI completion application, but uses speech-like prompting to complete. | https://mutable.ai/ | | Polycoder | Open source alternative to OpenAI’s Codex | https://github.com/VHellendoorn/Code-LMs | | CodeWP | AI Code Generator For WordPress Creators | https://codewp.ai/ | | AskCodi | AskCodi is a comprehensive toolkit that uses AI to assist programmers and developers in creating more quickly. | https://www.askcodi.com/ | | Codiga | Customizable static code analysis that works in your IDE, CI/CD pipelines and more | https://www.codiga.io/ | | Ponicode | You shouldn't have to trade between quality and efficiency. Reaching high coverage and building future-proof code does not have to be tedious. | https://www.ponicode.com/ | | Jedi | An autocompletion, static analysis and refactoring library for Python | https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi/ | | AutoRegex | Effortless conversions from English to Regex | https://www.autoregex.xyz/ | | AI CLI | Get answers for CLI commands from GPT3 | https://github.com/abhagsain/ai-cli | | Codeium | Natural language to code, boilerplate coding, find and use APIs, unit test generation. | https://www.codeium.com/ | | Duino Code Generator | Generate code for Arduino! | https://www.duinocodegenerator.com/ | | Kodezi | IDE with some unique features, like being able to CHAT with your codebase. | https://kodezi.com/ | | Maverick | AI Code suggestion for Python in VSCode | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=YurtsAI.maverick | | Buildt | Buildt is an AI tool to help developers quickly search and understand large codebases | http://buildt.ai/ | | BlackBox | Another code completer? | https://www.useblackbox.io/ | | Spellbox | IDE with AI support. Code explanation, completion, bookmarking, also available as a VSCode extension. | https://spellbox.app/ | | CheatLayer | Cheat layer solves impossible business automation problems using a combination of no-code tools and machine learning to function as your personal software engineer. | https://cheatlayer.com/ | | Programming Helper | Generate code just by typing a text description. AI will create the code for you. Lots of interesting features. | https://www.programming-helper.com/ | | Fig | The next-generation command line. | https://fig.io/ | | Stenography | Automatic documentation. | https://stenography.dev/ | | What the diff | Your AI-powered code review assistant Save costly developer time by automating pull request summaries. Open a pull request and get a summary of the changes in seconds. Instantly understand the implications of small pull requests and get a huge headstart on big ones. | https://whatthediff.ai/ | | Code squire | Turn your thoughts into code AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts. Get code completions and suggestions as you type. Press tab to insert. | https://codesquire.ai/ | | GPT Duck | Tell it a github repository, and then ask it questions about that repository. | https://www.gptduck.com/ | | Mintlify | Build the documentation you've always wanted. Beautiful out of the box, easy to maintain, and optimized for user engagement. | https://mintlify.com/ |

Develop with AI

Name Description Link
Vertex AI (Google) - Helps in training, analyzing, and tuning your ML models

No-code / Low-code

Name Description Link
Browse AI The easiest way to extract and monitor data from any website. Train a robot in 2 minutes. No coding is required. https://www.browse.ai/
Roboflow Give your software a sense of sight. With a few images, you can deploy a computer vision model in the afternoon. https://roboflow.com/
Felvin Discover and Build your unique
AI-enabled app from just a prompt https://felvin.com/
Brancher AI Connect AI models to build AI
apps in minutes, with no-code https://www.brancher.ai/
Sitekick AI Sitekick is an AI landing page builder. It allows you to create beautiful landing pages without the need for coding, design or copywriting skills. https://www.sitekick.ai/
Durable Build a website in 30 seconds with AI. The AI website builder that generates an entire business website with images and copy in seconds. Try it free for 30 days. https://durable.co/
Seek AI Ask your data anything
and get answers, instantly https://www.seek.ai/
Viable Save hundreds of hours analyzing feedback. Harness the power of our AI and GPT-3 to automate your qualitative data analysis without compromising quality. https://www.askviable.com/
Lobe Train apps to [do things].
Lobe helps you train machine learning models with a free, easy to use tool. https://www.lobe.ai/
Nanonets Automate Manual Data Entry Using AI. Capture data from documents instantly. Reduce turn around times and the manual effort required. https://nanonets.com/
Axiom Save time - use browser bots to automate website actions and repetitive tasks on any website or web app. https://axiom.ai/
10Web AI-Powered WordPress Platform.
Automated Website Builder, Hosting, and PageSpeed Booster, to say the least. https://10web.io/
Teleport HQ TeleportHQ is the collaborative front-end platform with integrated UI development and content modelling tools. A powerful visual builder to create and publish your headless static websites instantly. https://teleporthq.io/
VWO VWO Testing helps you run powerful A/B, multi-variate, split, multi-device, and multi-page tests on your website to turn your visitors into paying customers. https://vwo.com/


Name Description Link
Stability.ai AI by the people, for the people. Stability AI is building open AI tools that will let us reach our potential. https://stability.ai/
Reddit /r/machinelearning Probably the absolute largest community surrounding AI and Machine Learning https://www.reddit.com/r/machinelearning/
Reddit /r/artificialintelligence a gateway to the many different facets of the Artificial Intelligence community https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtificialInteligence/
Reddit /r/artificial Reddit's Home for Artificial Intelligence https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/
Reddit /r/learnmachinelearning A subreddit dedicated to learning machine learning https://www.reddit.com/r/learnmachinelearning/
Quora deep learning ML content for practitioners. https://deeplearning.quora.com/
Hugging face The AI community building the future. https://huggingface.co/
All tech is human Slack A community centered around AI ethics https://alltechishuman.org/community-slack